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Selection and Application of Ceramic Capacitors in Electronic Circuits

In electronic circuit design, the selection of ceramic capacitors is crucial because their different types and characteristics will directly affect the overall performance of the circuit. The withstand voltage value of ceramic capacitors is usually marked by a combination of numbers and letters, where the numbers represent the power of 10 and the letters represent the specific value in volts (V). In power circuits, circuits with different functions such as filtering, coupling, bypassing, and frequency division have different demands on ceramic capacitors. Therefore, the correct selection and use of these capacitors is crucial to optimizing the performance of electronic products.
In coupling circuits, coupling capacitors usually have capacities ranging from 0.1μF to 1μF. In order to obtain better sound quality, capacitors with smaller losses such as mica, acrylic, and ceramics are usually selected. In preamplifiers, audio controllers, crossovers and other circuits, the capacitance used is usually between 100pF and 0.1μF. Especially in speaker frequency crossover LC networks, capacitors with larger capacities are generally used, ranging from 1 μF to tens of μF. CBB capacitors are commonly used in high-end crossovers. When the capacitance is small, mica and styrene capacitors are preferred, while metallized plastic film or non-polar electrolytic capacitors should be used for large-capacity capacitors in LC networks. If you choose inorganic electrolytic capacitors and use non-etched capacitors, you can get better sound quality.

In terms of filter circuits, especially filter capacitors in power amplifiers, electrolytic capacitors are usually used due to the large capacity required. For example, the value of the filter capacitor used in the power amplifier should be above 10000μF, while when used in the preamplifier, a capacity of 1000μF can meet the needs. It should be noted that when the power filter circuit directly supplies the amplifier for operation, the larger the capacity, the better the sound quality. However, large capacitance may cause the impedance to rise starting around 10KHz. In order to suppress the rise of this high-frequency impedance, several smaller capacitors can be connected in parallel to form a large capacitor, and some film capacitors can be connected in parallel next to it.
All in all, in the design of electronic circuits, the selection of ceramic capacitors must not only consider their withstand voltage markings, but also appropriately select different types of ceramic capacitors based on the specific application and functional requirements of the circuit to ensure the performance of the entire electronic product. and effect.