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Functions and Applications of Braking Resistors

Braking resistors are indispensable in modern industrial control systems, especially when the motor decelerates rapidly. The brake resistor is the heart of the electrical system, efficiently converting electrical energy into heat. Each component plays a unique role in ensuring the resistor operates efficiently.

Key components and their functions

Ceramic Tube: The ceramic tube is part of the resistor structure and serves as both a skeleton for the alloy resistance wire and an excellent heat sink. This dual function effectively converts electrical energy into heat, maintaining stability and preventing damage due to overheating.

Alloy Resistance Wire: Selected for its flat, wavy ribbon shape, this resistance wire maximizes heat dissipation. Its unique form and winding technology improve the efficiency of energy conversion. Wrapped around a ceramic tube, it uses its material properties to convert regenerated electrical energy into heat.

Protective coating: The alloy wire is coated with special materials that are resistant to high temperatures and fire. This layer not only adds a layer of protection, but also enhances the stability and safety of the wire in extreme conditions, thereby increasing the reliability and service life of the braking resistor.

Key Functions of Motor Control Systems

The braking resistor mainly protects the frequency converter from the influence of regenerated electric energy and ensures the stability of the power grid.

Protect the frequency converter: A rapid stop of the motor will generate a large amount of regenerative energy. If not dissipated in a timely and efficient manner, this energy may seriously damage the inverter's DC circuit or cause it to malfunction. By converting this energy into heat, a braking resistor protects the frequency converter from such adverse effects.

Stabilize the grid: By converting regenerated electrical energy into heat, braking resistors prevent this energy from being fed back into the grid, minimizing voltage fluctuations. This stability highlights the importance of braking resistors for the operation of power systems and in high-load or precision-controlled industrial applications.