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Application and technical parameters of precision multi-turn potentiometers

Precision multi-turn potentiometers are widely used in many industries due to their high efficiency and accuracy, especially in automobiles, injection molding machines, wood processing machinery, and other modern industries. This type of potentiometer typically uses conductive plastic technology, which is characterized by cost-effectiveness, stability in low-temperature environments, low-torque operation, and suitability for high-speed applications.
The basic function of the precision multi-turn potentiometer is to convert mechanical displacement into an electrical signal and ensure that this signal is proportional to the mechanical movement. The working principle is that the brushes are connected to a mechanical actuator, which creates a voltage distributor on the plastic resistor rail. Connect a stable DC voltage source (this is usually low current) to both ends of the potentiometer's resistor rails (labeled 1 and 3). When measured between the brush and resistor rail, the resulting signal voltage occupies a major part of the voltage divider and is proportional to the brush position on the resistor rail. Since the conductive plastic potentiometer is used primarily as a voltage divider, its accuracy with respect to the total resistance of the resistor rail is not of primary concern, since temperature fluctuations mainly affect the resistance value and not the measurement results.

In terms of technical parameters, precision multi-turn potentiometers have the following characteristics:
- Error range: ±5%
- Absolute minimum: 1Ω or 0.1%
- Dielectric strength: 2000VAC
- Temperature coefficient: ±50ppm/°C
- Solderability: Complies with MIL-STD-202, Method 301 standards
- Spin life: up to 1,000,000 times
These technical parameters reflect the stability and reliability of precision multi-turn potentiometers in various applications. Especially in fields that require precise control of electrical signals, such as automotive control systems, precision processing equipment, etc., the application of precision multi-turn potentiometers is crucial. They not only ensure the accuracy of equipment operation, but also greatly improve the efficiency and reliability of the overall system. For example, in the automotive industry, the high accuracy and long life of such potentiometers are critical to ensuring vehicle performance and safety.