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IGBT Modules -

Welcome To IGBT Modules -

IGBT Modules

Our offer the IGBT Modules Brand: MITSUBISHI, EUPEC, INFINEON, SEMIKRON, POWEREX, International Rectifier(IR), TOSHIBA, IXYS, SANREX, Fairchild/ON, FUJITSU, VICOR, ASTEC, LAMBDA, Micro, Vishay, Hitachi, Dynex, Power Semiconductors, NEC, Sipex, Panasonic, ST Etc.

We offers a variety of semiconductor and electronic devices that are contributing to the advancement of information-processing and telecommunications. The company develops and manufactures power devices that provide higher operation stability and efficiency, next-generation optical devices that support today's rapidly evolving optical telecommunications networks, high-frequency devices that are utilized in everything from mobile telephones to telecommunications satellites and leading-edge TFT-LCD modules for industrial use. Electronics Semiconductors Components IGBT Modules,Electronics Semiconductors Components Modules, Power Modules and others.

As below is our products list:

IGBT Modules:
The IGBT module converts a wide range of direct currents, for everything from industrial uses to wind power generation, to alternate currents with low loss.

IPMs(Intelligent Power Modules):
The IPM (Intelligent Power Module) was created by building a control circuit and protection circuit into the IGBT module.

The HVIGBT module supports the high voltage and high currents used in railways and industry.

Power MOSFET Modules:
The power MOSFET module provides high-speed low-loss switching thanks to its trench gate structure.

Diode Modules:
The diode module converts a wide range of direct currents (everything from industrial to high voltage) to alternate currents.

PFC Modules:
The PFC module supports the power factor improvement of rectifier circuits and complies with harmonic regulations.

Thyristor Modules:
Thyristor modules turn on power by applying a pulse current to the gate current.

SiC Power Modules:
The SiC power module supports significant energy savings thanks to the new material characteristics of SiC.

The SiC SBD supports significant energy savings of power supply systems for air conditioners and other application thanks to the new material characteristics of SiC.

MISOP(Surface-mount package IPM):
The MISOP is small surface mount package IPM (Intelligent Power Module) has been newly developed for fan and low-power motor drive applications.

The DIPIPM supports enhanced functionality and energy savings in small capacity current systems, such as photocouplerless systems and single power supply systems.